2 girls reading a book together

Open Mornings

Bute House holds Open Mornings in the spring and summer terms when prospective parents of those eligible to go into the 4+ ballot being drawn that year, or to take the 7+ assessment the following January, are invited to tour the School. These Open Mornings are a highlight of the School’s calendar when visitors have the opportunity to see the School in action. We are very proud of our School and everything the girls achieve; we welcome the opportunity to show visitors all that we do here.

The Head will give a presentation about the school at these events, and what makes it unique. There will also be an opportunity for visitors to speak with other senior members of staff.

Due to the sheer numbers of people hoping for places, it is unfortunately not possible to arrange individual visits for prospective parents, however please do take our Virtual Tour below.

Explore – 360° Tour

We look forward to welcoming you very soon.

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‘Let us pick up our books and our pens.  They are the most powerful weapons.’ Malala Yousafzai

A small gap in the wall reveals a courtyard and the way into Bute House.  The School’s foundation stone was laid by parents in 1958 and can be seen here.

2 girls laughing
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‘So you are very welcome to our house.’ William Shakespeare

The high-ceilinged atrium is always full of light.  The vibrant and happy atmosphere is tangible immediately as you are welcomed into the School.

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Food Technology Room

‘One cannot think, sleep, love well if one has not dined well.’ Virginia Woolf

This bright space provides an opportunity for girls from Reception upwards to hone their Food Technology skills and to understand the importance of a healthy diet.

3 girls making cookies
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‘Play is the work of the child.’ Maria Montessori

An unusually large space for a London prep school, the playground and courts provide plenty of room for everyone to have fun. The pirate ship is a firm favourite, but sensitive planting and seating also provide quieter areas for those who need a little calm.

girl holding up stilts
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Reception Classroom

‘And so the adventure begins…’

This fantastically large space is where the girls who join at 4+ begin their journey through Bute House.  A dedicated outdoor learning area completes this great classroom where the girls can enjoy continuous provision and settle into school life.

"> girls lined up in a row
"> students in the sun
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Science Lab

‘I didn’t just want to know the names of things.  I remember really wanting to know how it all worked.’ Elizabeth Blackburn

Girls are taught by a specialist teacher in the Science Laboratory from Year 4. They relish the opportunity to engage in practical experiments, alongside theory, in the specially designed space.


"> classroom
"> classroom
"> pupil in the lab
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Music Room

‘Music is life.  That’s why our hearts have beats.’ Cecily Morgan

Music is taught from Reception onwards by specialist staff. The Music Room provides a space where the girls can learn and perform.  In addition, smaller Music Rooms are used by peripatetic staff to teach girls individually.

2 girls playing the drums
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‘The world was hers for the reading.’ Betty Smith

Our beautifully designed pods are an extension of the Library.  These are used for all sorts of small group sessions, including Guided reading.  Girls are often found curled up with a book in here; the pods are cosy spaces much loved by us all.

girl holding up a book
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Library/IT Suite

‘When in doubt, go to the library.’ JK Rowling

Colour and shape make this a truly welcoming space for the girls.  We have a dedicated Librarian based here who loves to offer advice and guidance to the girls about reading material they might enjoy. Quiet moments are valued by all the girls in this soothing space.

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Languages Room

‘Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.’ Flora Lewis

Girls at Bute House learn French and Spanish throughout their time here.  Our specialist staff, some of who are native speakers, also support girls who are bilingual in these languages.  We are very proud that over thirty different languages are spoken by the girls at Bute House and we celebrate these enthusiastically, along with the cultures and beliefs of the many different countries the girls are from.

decorative wall
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Studio Theatre

‘You can start late, look different, be uncertain and still succeed.’ Misty Copeland

A high-spec facility where girls are taught by specialist Drama and Dance teachers, as well as a performance space.  This Studio Theatre encourages pupils to express themselves and develop their knowledge and understanding of all aspects of performing arts.

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Art/DT Room

‘I am happy to be alive as long as I can paint.’ Frida Kahlo

The Art/DT Room has a New York loft-style feel, from the bespoke wallpaper to the metal gantry, where girls are inspired to unleash their creativity. Our specialist staff encourage the girls to express themselves using a whole range of media, including textiles, print and clay.

"> girl wearing headphones
"> view from above of students
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Swimming Pool

‘If there is a dream or a goal that you want, you have to go for it 100%. Give all you have for the goals that you have.’ Alia Atkinson.

The fantastic pool belongs to St Paul’s Girls’ School, but its location immediately adjacent to Bute House means we can make the very best use of it and, as with other sports, we lose no time travelling to and from external sports’ facilities.  Swimming is a real passion for the girls and we enjoy huge success at local and national levels.

girls leaning on the side of the swimming pool
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‘Alone we can do so little.  Together we can do so much.’ Helen Keller

Our Hall is a multi-purpose space where we come together as a school for assemblies, concerts, plays and social events. It is also used for PE and our highly-successful Gymnastics Squads train and perform here. Additionally, it serves as our Dining Room, where the girls enjoy delicious food prepared by our on-site team.

girls listening to the teacher
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Netball/Tennis Courts

‘Never limit yourself. We don’t know what our bodies can do and what our minds can achieve.’ Pamela Cookey (England Netball Player)

The Netball/Tennis courts provide on-site facilities for sports’ lessons and squad coaching. The field also gives us another tremendous space for athletics.

girls running over hurdles
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Wilderness Garden

“Not all classrooms have four walls.”

The Wilderness Garden is a magical place where children can explore the wonders of nature. Surrounded by native plants and buzzing with wildlife, it serves as an outdoor classroom where young learners can connect with the natural world and cultivate a deep appreciation for the environment.

"> girls in water play
"> girl playing outside
"> students enjoying time outdoors
"> Inclusion signs
"> motivational wall
"> originality corner
"> originality

Your Questions Answered

Dates for Upcoming Open Mornings

We release the dates for the upcoming Open Mornings early in the Spring Term. Parents with daughters registered for the 4+ ballot being drawn that year, or to take the 7+ assessment the following January, will be invited to attend one of these Open Mornings.

Entry Points

These are at 4+ via a ballot and at 7+ through an assessment. Occasional places do arise but this does not happen often. We do not take girls into Years 5 and 6.

7+ Assessment

The assessment takes place in January of the year of entry and is a very relaxed affair. The emphasis is on bringing out the best in your daughter, and seeing how she responds to a range of experiences. It is less about what your daughter already knows and more about how curious she is.

Applicants from State Schools

We want girls from all types of schools to apply to us. If your daughter is coping well with the curriculum at her current state school, she will be fine. The assessments are not formal exams – more like doing some fun lessons, and teachers are on hand to support and guide any applicant who is struggling in any way.

Tutoring for 7+

This is strongly discouraged and we ask you to tell us honestly if your daughter has been tutored. It may be there is a really good reason for this, but we do need to know. Please DO NOT send your daughter to any of the 7+ preparation sessions advertised by tutors or tutoring agencies – our assessments are carried out in a totally different way to these practice sessions.


If you are interested in making an application for a Bursary so your daughter can attend Bute House, please contact Admissions at the school directly and she will provide you with all the necessary information. We have a very successful means-tested bursary scheme and are keen to offer the opportunity to come to Bute to any girl who we think will benefit from the experience, regardless of her parents’ financial circumstances.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care at Bute House is central to all we do. Our Head of Pastoral Care oversees the well-being of the girls from a school-wide perspective, but every member of staff is committed to caring for the girls.  We have an excellent Wellbeing programme in place in school, a School Counsellor for any girls who need more specialist support and endless time for all aspects of the girls’ mental health. A girl may need regular sessions, or it may be that a girl wants to talk through a specific problem – whatever the case, the girls’ needs will be met. We know that happy girls are the ones who are able to enjoy school and so we are committed to ensuring every girl is looked after in order that she can run her own best race.

Bullying is rarely encountered at Bute House, but there is a fast response process in place if a girl is upset by others. Bullying is not tolerated in any form whatsoever and the girls will tell you themselves that it is a rare issue, but something everyone takes very seriously indeed, should it happen.

Diversity and Inclusion

We welcome girls to Bute House no matter what their ethnicity, religion, creed, culture. Our work with schools in the local community and our bursary scheme aim to enable children to experience Bute House no matter their parents’ financial circumstances.

We are a diverse school where more than thirty different languages are spoken and children’s cultures, religions, ethnicities and backgrounds are celebrated. We have Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Ambassadors, and a group of staff and parents are currently working with the Head on reviewing the curriculum, as well as the culture of the school, to ensure any unconscious bias is managed. At Bute, we look into these issues in depth and detail and respond in a fully rounded manner so that everyone is properly informed.

Getting To and From Bute House

The School does not operate any sort of bus service or other transport. Often, parents organise themselves so that carpools and similar arrangements are quite common; however, this is arranged by the parents themselves. We ask parents to think carefully about the impact of a very long journey on a young child.

Wraparound Care

Wraparound care (from 7am – 8.15am and 3.30pm – 6.00 pm) is available at Bute House. This is provided by our own staff. A small charge is made for each session booked.  Sessions are booked directly with the school.